Friday, April 20, 2012

There's No Place Like Home

I awoke in my own bed (well the bed I am currently sleeping in taking care of David) but at least in my own house. It was a glorious feeling....and for those of you wondering if I slept????? I slept so well that the whole house overslept. Z had about 15 minutes to get out the door this morning. Yeah....I slept!

It doesn't really seem like the same universe where a week ago we almost lost David. My world then was no sleep and watching monitors like a hawk. Every time his numbers went too high or too low my stomach did a very uncomfortable flip. He was one sick little man. Thanks to  lots of prayers and some excellent healthcare.....that day is now but a memory. This morning David is in his new hospital bed in his new his old home. He has no temp and he I very happy to be home.

Yesterday was a long day but one I had awaited with great anticipation. We were picked up from St. Louis Children's and on our way to Spirit field at 7 a.m. I of course had been awake since 4 a.m. after sleeping only a couple of hours. Lack of sleep this time was due to shear excitement. A new chapter was about to begin and I simply could not wait. Once at the air field...we were a little early so David got to relax on a stretcher and I got to pick through some Build-a-Bears that had been donated to Wings of Hope by Build-a-Bear. The lady told me to pick two. I have never done the whole Build-a-Bear thing, but I had a ball picking out two new additions to our family. We now have a puppy and a mouse. What can I say? It killed a good half hour.

I was greatly dismayed and slightly alarmed when they told me that we would be flying back in the same five seater torture device that we flew in on. It didn't matter though. I think I would have strapped myself to a wing if it meant getting home yesterday. Once the pilots were there we loaded up. They had actually removed the seat that I road in on and in its place was a gurney in which David was strapped into. I sat in the back seat (David's seat on the way out) and then there was room for a nurse and two pilots. I somehow was going back to Kansas with more "stuff" than I came to Missouri with. We had barely made it all fit on the flight out, but with some strategic maneuvering....we made it work. This time I decided to play it ahead of the game and I took two dramamine before I boarded. I gave David one two.

Taking off did not seem to bother me at all this time. I watched as we raced down the runway and slowly ascended into the air. Quickly the buildings became smaller and smaller until St. Louis looked like a little toy city. Davids vitals were monitored the whole way and after about 15 minutes into the air....he was out. I decided not to take any chances and said a rosary. Since last praying skills had diminished greatly. I had resorted to one word or short phrase prayers. "Help!", "You know what is in my heart!" and "Please let him be okay!" These became the extent of my prayers. So being once again on the plane from hell...I decided some good ol' fashion rosary sayin' was in order. I fell asleep praying. Mom always said that was okay, because when you fall asleep praying....the angels finish your prayers for you. I am assuming not only did they finish them...but God heard because we made it safely back to Wichita and solid ground. The only tough spot (which wasn't even as scary as when we descended into St. Louis) was our descent into Wichita. The wind was a little high and our little tricycle with wings did quite a bit of bouncing. The end result though was....we were home!!!!!

We were met at Yingling by Sedgwick County EMS. They loaded David into the ambulance (along with all our stuff) giving me no end of crap about all my stuff and they brought us home. David loved the ride and every familiar land mark, street sign and building made my heart sore just a little more. We pulled down our street just as every neighbor in the hood was out. I am sure they heard David before they saw him as the EMS attendant was taking great delight in making him "yee haw" for him. As they pulled him out of the ambulance....David was sitting like a little king on his stretcher and he waved to all the neighbors as they watched him being taken up the driveway.

We had not been home more than a few minutes when people started showing up. It was a blessing as I had to get Davids prescriptions filled and I was having a difficult time getting my mind organized. Thiry watched David while I went to the pharmacy and picked up a few necessary groceries. When I got home....more people had arrived and the house was buzzing with activity. It felt so good to be home and I think after almost two weeks with no one home....Z was very happy to have all the commotion.

After everyone left and we all settled down last night I tried to plan out life for the next two weeks. I can't! I have no idea how the next two weeks will go. I am not even sure of the next two hours. I have much to do and a great deal of it will revolve around David's care. However...this morning I changed and moved David by myself. It was slow going because of his pain....but we succeeded. Next hurdle will be seeing how easily I can transfer him to the wheelchair.

I have many things I need to accomplish today and Thiry said she would come by and watch David while I ran to the store and did a couple of things. I have no doubt that I will get into the swing of things fairly quickly. It is just so good to be home and so wonderful to be starting down the path to David's recovery and new more independent life!'s true! You gotta go through what you gotta go get where you need to be! And boy are we ready!


  1. What a journey it has been. And it's time for a new journey to begin. I pray that this journey is filled with recovery and new found freedom for David and yes, his mom and brother as well. Sleep when you can and give thanks with every milestone that David completes.

    We are all praying.

    May God bless your entire home!


  2. "Like" is kind of an inadequate word for this story....Hope, excitement, gratitude, thankful....all part of this wonderful step in you all's life journey...Hurray for you and thank God for these wonderful blessings!


  3. I found out about David from my daughter in Mulvane. She bought 1 of your cheesecakes for our Easter together. My prayers are being answered about David everyday. I so admire the courage and strength that God has given you. I have two very healthy and lovely daughters. I found it so unfair I had to raise them mostly by myself, since my husband was gone most of the time. It does not even come close to what you have already done. With God controlling the wheel and you pushing there is no limit to what you and David can do.My prayers are not over yet. Shelton
