Thursday, April 12, 2012

Post Surgery

 David pre-surgery

I finally sucame to exhaustion about 4:30 a.m. only to awake at 5 a.m. with a horrible migraine. I took meds and will soldier on. At 6 a.m. I gave up trying to sleep and decided to pace. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate having a child in the hospital?????

Well this hospital experience has far exceeded any hospital experience we have ever had....for the good of course. The care and expertise here at Shriners is beyond anything we have ever had and that includes our stay at Children's Mercy in KC. From the moment we arrived David was treated like a king and I have had more explanation and "parent care" than any place else we have ever been. Before he even went into surgery we were visited by the anesthesiologist, the surgeon, the resident and several nurses.....all explaining their part in the surgery and their expectations after the surgery.

Things apparently changed during surgery as when they got in there....they found his bones were not soft like they expected but much harder and more stable. This made it so that he does not have to be casted. Instead he has bandages and then knee braces with a pillow between. This means we will not need (at least we don't think we will) a different wheelchair. His old one should still be usable. It also means we won't be lugging his weight plus 50 lbs of cast. The braces and pillow are removable which will make life much easier.

His surgery could not have gone better and although the waiting was excruciating....the end result was much better than we had even dreamed. However....since surgery has been no picnic.  David ended up having to spend the night in recovery as his heart rate has stayed high (between 170 and 185 and sometimes jumping as high as 205), he has run about a 101.5 temp and after surgery he was extremely congested. I stayed with him as long as they would allow but finally they pried my hands from his bedside rail and told me to leave. I left.....but I came back....SEVERAL TIMES!!!! I know by about 2 a.m. they were losing patience with me. I didn't care, I don't leave my post surgery child with a 101 temp and a high heart rate! Silly nurses!!!! When I wasn't there I called. Yeah....I am one of THOSE kinda parents.

While all of this was going on here last night.....Z called me about 9:30 to tell me he was throwing up.....over and over again! I felt horrible as there was very little I could do 500 miles away. Honestly...I probably couldn't have done much even if I had been there but when you are want your mom. I remember that! Still don't think he feels great this morning, but I told him he had to make an effort at school. I am sure he loves me to death!

Back here....David is still in recovery. I once again broke the rules and went to see him before I was suppose to. The nurse "begged" me not to touch him....(I do have some self control) as he was extremely comfortable. His congestion seems to be gone. His temp is still hovering about 100 and his heart rate remains in the 170's. Apparently a steady diet of Spongebob has played in the recovery room all night. They have been giving David valium for pain and above and beyond the temp and heart rate....his vitals are good. His O2 sats are in the high 90's and his blood pressure is great. Since I have never been through a major surgery like this with him.....I have no idea where we go from here.

Yesterday...directly after surgery his doctor was talking about possibly releasing him Friday. I would imagine with the temp and heart rate that option maybe off the table and we are likely shooting for Monday. However....I have no idea at this point.

I have faith that we didn't make it this far just to have a major setback....although in my life...setbacks are the name of the game. I know in the long run things will be fine....but in the here and now...things are a little scary. I ask that you continue to pray and I will update facebook as changes come. Thank you all!

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