Saturday, January 11, 2014

We're Baaaaack!

Well....far be it from David to allow there to be more than one day that I don't blog about him and his adventures. In case you haven't seen facebook.....we're baaaaack! Yep, the Mulvane EMS picked David up about 12ish last night after he threw a seizure.

Yesterday was a strange day and my mom senses were in high gear all day as he woke up pale and sunken eyed with dark circles. He napped off and on but he ate well and played some. I tried to tell myself that I was just being silly and worrying too much....but obviously my mom senses were right on target.

About 11:30 p.m. his temp went on the rise and I quickly dosed him with tylenol. Just as I thought he was asleep and I was about to drift off myself (somewhere around 12) David decided to throw a seizure. It was not a normal mini seizure but it also wasn't a huge febral one either. It was right in the middle of the two and he finished it off by gasping for air and acting as if he couldn't breathe. Even after the EMS arrived, he was still acting as if he was still having issues. They immediately loaded him up and off to the ER we went.

The ER during flu that is where you want to be........said no one ever. That place was hopping and people of all ages were coughing up lungs and throwing up. I immediately slapped a mask on Davids face and closed the curtains all around us. The last thing I need is him getting the flu on top of everything else. To make things even more fun.....he had two more seizures before we ever made it to the floor.

We just arrived on the floor about 45 minutes ago. I think they did all their poking and prodding in the ER so now David is finally sleeping peacefully. Once again he has been through the ringer of lab and x-ray and now we wait for results and I have answered the same questions over and over again and I am so tired I can barely see to type. Hopefully the doctor will be in soon and then I am praying that I can take a nap of my own even if for a little bit.

Once again they are scratching their heads and I am getting irritated. I may not know what is going on, but I do know something is not right with David and this time....we aren't leaving until we get some answers.

I will keep you updated and as always....thanks for reading!


  1. Well, just wrote a big long comment and it disappeared. Suffice to say that prayers are being sent. Let me/us know if we can do ANYTHING to help you.

  2. Prayers; thank you so much for keeping us all informed.
