Friday, January 3, 2014


I hate to sound excited but..........I want to go home today!!!!!! I think David would agree. We are ALL ready and from the sounds of it, today might be our only opportunity for weather free travel as a snow storm is predicted for both Kansas and Missouri for tomorrow.

Homesickness and weather worry aside, I have to say that this trip has verged on AMAZING!!! Well, maybe a tad more amazing for me than David since I didn't have major surgery on my legs nor am I sporting a cast that is holding my legs both two feet apart and perfectly straight. That being said, this whole surgical experience from beginning to end has been sooooo much easier than last time. In fact, even the trip itself was easier.

If you remember last time....David and I flew into St. Louis on a five seater tricycle that I have as yet to recover from. I can safely say that this time my feet have been no more than two feet off the ground this whole trip! Last time the post surgery recovery was a bit dicey for the first 36 hours after surgery. Not this time! This time he woke up feisty and thirsty and he has never looked back. His vitals have been beautiful and other than a short lived temperature and a couple of mini seizures thrown in for a little excitement, David has been healthy, happy and ready to entertain all who walk into his room. Thank goodness, as I simply don't have the strength to have to sit and watch monitors hour after hour.

And speaking of visitors (well I sort of was), that has been a very nice aspect of this trip too. We have gotten to see some relatives we don't typically get to see a lot. I mentioned Davids aunt, uncle and cousin who introduced us to a divine new to us delicacy called Imo's pizza....and while they were here...we got to laugh, talk and eat which surely helped what is otherwise a rather boring hospital stay. We also got a very nice visit from my mother in law. We hadn't seen her in awhile and it was the first time we got to meet the new man in her life....Ike. I have to say that I don't often take to people right off the bat but this man is hard not to like. Z also liked him immediately. I am not sure whether it was his personality which is amazing or whether it was the way he looked at Carol (mil) with such great affection. The feelings are obviously returned as his presence seems to transform her from the grandma we have all known to an ageless beauty who blushes, laughs and returns his affectionate looks with a knowing smile. It was an amazing thing to watch and it seemed to have a positive effect on us all. In fact....I think we can safely say that....we like Ike!

Aside from visitors....David has been content to watch copious amounts of Spongebob, nap intermittently and take a couple of adventurous trips outside his room. All in all with such an extensive surgery, his recovery has been remarkably unremarkable.

Dr. S has just been in and apparently the drain fairy's were in before my eyes were even open this morning and the drains are gone. His pain is well controlled and we have been given the okay to head home! I am sitting here pinching myself and thanking God for the miracle that this experience has been. We have already been told we need to be back in three weeks or so to have the casts removed and to get his knew cast-like orthotics. I am sure by then we will all need a quick trip to St. Louis to dust the cobwebs off of us. I am hopeful that his recovery time is as amazing (notice how I keep using that word?) as his post op time has been, but like everything....we will continue to take it all......... one day at a time!

Now it is off to beat the snow storm.

For those inquiring....I will keep posting dailyish updates here as David continues his journey to walk. Please keep the prayers coming and thank you so much for reading!


  1. So happy to hear all the good and positive news. I love your blogs and I am so glad you are back to blogging daily even if it is not under the best circumstances. Prayers for a safe journey home and quick recovery for David.

  2. What a joy to read this and as you often do, it was humorous - entertaining - to read. I am so glad you LIKE IKE! and am happy you were able to spend some time with you mother-in-law. I know seeing her probably brings back a little sadness; but I'm thinking Ike might have lessened that just a bit; so I also LIKE IKE! Be safe coming home. Do we need to go to the store for you? You have my number so call with your list! Ole Jack and I will gitter done!

  3. I absolutely loved this blog! There was so much joy and happiness present in it. The part about your mil and Ike made me really smile. What a lovely thing to write about her. I am so pleased to hear how great David is doing. It makes me so happy for you. I will continue to keep you all in prayer and can't wait to read more on David's journey to walk.
