Thursday, January 9, 2014

Back to Normal

Dare I say it? Life is beginning to get back to something that one might actually call....normal. At least this is what I think normal might look like.

The difference in this surgery and his last one is my knowledge......I think. When they say knowledge is power....they aren't kidding. I know this time that I really can't hurt him with his cast and all, he seems to have no pain and the biggest thing I have learned.....I am capable of handling this. All of this really does make for a much different experience for all of us.

I might have mentioned that while he was in the hospital, I made the nursing staff step aside several times and let me change David by myself. I had to know that I could do it without an assist simply because I don't always have someone around to assist me. Since being home, I have become quite proficient at the art of changing someone with a spika cast. Moving him from the bed to the wheelchair is a bit more dicey. I prefer to wait for Z for that as the two person transfer is much easier and less dangerous for everyone involved. However....for everything else, I think I'm actually good.

David continues to improve daily and I think now he has hit all out boredom. Even Spongebob doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore. Thank goodness he starts home bound school next week. At least then he will have something more than myself and TV to occupy his time. I gather from his reactions that I am simply just not all that entertaining. Who knew?

Since David is doing so much better, instead of blogging here daily......I will probably start showing my other blogs a little more love again. Trust me though, I will definitely still give updates here as things change and as David moves forward.

As always......thanks for caring and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear that things are back to normal. Keep us posted.
