Monday, May 7, 2012

Doing Really Well

As you can tell...I have taken a few days away from the blog. One because I was REALLY busy and two and probably even more important.....David is just doing really well, so there is little to blog about.

Last week I realized that David was starting to get less than amused with his lovely mother. David...while I am sure is still in more about anticipating the pain right now. It was so bad Monday and Tuesday last week that if I even moved towards him...he began to cry. He was just sure that I was going to change him or put him on his stomach or do something that might cause him pain. So he cried when I even looked in his direction. It was getting a little disheartening for me. I was wondering how this was going to go on as he had cried more in the last couple of weeks than he had cried in the last eleven years.

On talking to Shriners last week, his health care coordinator told me to get him back into school. He is healing nicely, he wants to be up and around and he is down to the occasional  tylenol to keep his pain in check. There was absolutely no reason that school was not possible for him IF the school agreed. missed David as much as David missed them....and agreed that was a good place for him these last few weeks! Good thing as even Spongebob had little entertainment value anymore.

David did Thursday and Friday last week....half days. I think Thursday was a bit rough but Friday went better. This week he will do Monday and Tuesday half days and hopefully be back on full days after that until the end of the year. While I am so happy that he is doing this has really changed things from what I thought they would be to what they really are. Even with our hospital setback when he got the pneumonia...he has done so much better than any of us (even the doctor) ever anticipated. I think David is largely responsible for that!!! He has drive and a fighting spirit that even a difficult surgery and almost dying can't beat down. He is an amazing kid!

So in light of all the new changes....I talked a little to Cassie (my volunteer coordinator) about needing volunteers in the future. My first reaction was to say...I no longer need anyone, but she pointed out that I might still need people from time to time, so I am saying that in large part I will no longer need volunteers on a regular basis, but if anyone is interested....I might need someone from time to time. I will do as Cassie suggested and keep my options open.

This whole adventure has opened my eyes to many things. I have found out a great deal about not only David's strength, but also Z's kindness along with the kindness of countless others. I can never fully thank all those who have reached out to us and have been there for us from prayers right on down to food and volunteering to help with David. It has been amazing and grateful does not begin to cover how I feel about this. Thank you all.

This weekend was a much needed distraction for me. I was able to go watch Z and all the kids sing at Catapalooza. As always they were great and what made it even better is that my dear friend Marni came into town from Texas to spend time with me and she also went to Catapalooza. Saturday I was able to get out and go garage saling thanks to Z being there with David and Saturday night I was able to go out and have fun with friends and just relax (again...thanks to Z). The weekend was so needed and I think David was glad I was anywhere but hovering over him.

Today starts a new chapter. Yeah...I know we have had many chapters of late, but as some one told me not too long ago...the books with the shorter chapters that keep moving steadily  forward.....are usually the more interesting ones. Hmmm....if that is the case...then our story must surely be a doozy!


  1. Lisa....Im so glad to hear such a positive blog!! Gald that you agreed with Cassie on still at times needing the help!! You are doing so well and for you to know that the help is there if needed takes a load off your mind!!

    I would like to add that Lisa is doing wonderful....LOOKING wonderful and seems to be in a great place right now. I was so happy to get to go and spend some well needed time with her. Lots of good conversations....heheheh Chris!!! AND YES!!!! Zachary is an amazing young man!! LOVED watching him at his program and he did such a wonderful job...especially the sliding down the stage....with an injury...."and angry looking injury" LOL!!!

    Love to Lisa, Zachary and David!!!!!

  2. I agree - Lisa, you look awesome, and I am so proud of you and so glad to have met you and been able to get to know you and your lovely children.
